Breakout Session #6

AI-Driven Diagnostics and NGS In Silico Solution

Sunday, April 13 | 1:45–2:45 p.m.


AI-Driven Molecular Diagnostics: A Game-Changer, But With Pink Flags

Annette Leon, Ph.D., Hematogenix Laboratories

The growing impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on molecular diagnostics is undeniable. AI-powered tools are revolutionizing disease diagnosis at the molecular level, offering faster, more accurate, and cost-effective solutions that push the boundaries of what's possible in precision medicine. However, this innovation also brings significant concerns. Issues such as algorithmic bias and the ethical implications of AI-driven decisions are among the key challenges facing the future of AI in healthcare. In this presentation, we'll examine the current state of AI in molecular diagnostics and the critical questions surrounding its use.

Sample, Sample Everywhere, Not the Variant I Need: In Silico Resources for NGS Bioinformatics Pipeline Validation.

Somak Roy, M.D., Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center

Description to come.


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