Breakout Session #5

Focus on Genetics

Sunday, April 13 | 1:45–2:45 p.m.

Clinical Implementation of Preemptive Pharmacogenomics Testing at UCSF: Advancing Personalized Medicine

Aleksandar Rajkovic, M.D., Ph.D., University of California San Francisco

This presentation will explore the development and clinical integration of a preemptive pharmacogenomics (PGx) testing program at UCSF Health. Attendees will gain insights into the program’s design, including the creation of electronic clinical decision support (CDS) for 56 medications and 15 genes, the role of multidisciplinary collaboration, and strategies to overcome bioinformatics and non-bioinformatics challenges. Key outcomes and lessons from UCSF’s approach to optimizing medication management through personalized medicine will be discussed.

Review of the NCI/COG's Molecular Characterization Initiative for Pediatric Solid Tumors

Yassmine Akkari, Ph.D., Nationwide Children's Hospital & The Ohio State University

The unified goal of NCI’s Molecular Characterization Initiative in childhood cancers is to combine DNA analysis in terms of sequence variation, mutational signature, and copy number, RNA analysis for structural variant detection, as well as DNA methylation arrays to inform the epigenetics of these tumors. The information will aid in refining tumor diagnoses, defining therapeutic targets and predicting treatment toxicity with the goal of enabling precision medicine and improved patient outcomes. In addition, information from molecular profiling can inform family screening and surveillance from germline testing results. We will discuss participation in MCI as well as laboratory testing workflows and lessons learned.


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